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Headshots of woman w purple hair holding a Nikon camera

                  Jessy has been intrigued                         by photography since a very

                  early age taking photos with                    disposable cameras. In high                      school she got her first                        35mm camera and wouldn't                      leave the darkroom. Through                    her photography class she learned of a tech school up in Massachusetts. After completing that program Jessy traveled around the US working at different photo labs and continuing to take photos of her own. When Jessy was getting close to 30 is when college finally called to her. She enrolled at The School of Visual Arts in Manhattan. Four years later she graduated with high honors and her BFA. She took all she learned there (and her husband) and got a gig at a high-volume portrait studio in California. All was well but Jessy was homesick. She missed New York. So, she came home. 

Back home and needing a little excitement, Jessy went back to "corporate life" so to speak and worked for JCPenney Portraits for the holidays. It started off as a part time seasonal gig and turned into a management position. That is where she learned more about marketing and sales. After a few years, Jessy realized she missed being her own boss. 

So, Jessy Dunn has returned to her own studio super excited to spread her wings and find out just how wide they span! 

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